Author Topic: Ok, I need help to get started... 19mth old feeding overnight...  (Read 1077 times)

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Offline KatM

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My DS3 is 19 months and is currently waking for 3 breastfeeds a night. He is not consistant with his waking times, they might be 10pm, 1am, then 4am, or 12:30am, 2am, then 5am, so they are different everynight. He puts himself to sleep at night and for his nap without a problem, but is nearly impossible to get to sleep in the night time if he wakes wanting a feed. If it is before 11pm, then DH can cuddle him to sleep, but sometimes that doesnt even work and he screams until DH puts him in his cot, then I go in and feed him.

I really need some ideas on getting him out of this waking. He has sleep through on occasion- but I cant link it to anything specific, and he has never done it for more than 2 nights in a row. He eats plenty during the day, and has 3 day breastfeeds to.

I am looking for gentle ideas, so I am aware that they will be gradual, and wont work overnight. I just need a kick in the right direction. Do I try to cut down slowly? Or will that confuse him? Do I wean all together? Do I sleep on his floor?

Any advice would be fabulous, being a mum with 3 under 5yrs is tiring enough, without feeding the youngest toddler 3 times a night!

Thanks so much!

Offline sianie

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Re: Ok, I need help to get started... 19mth old feeding overnight...
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 11:38:33 am »
Any advice would be fabulous, being a mum with 3 under 5yrs is tiring enough, without feeding the youngest toddler 3 times a night!

Wow! Sounds like you have your hands full! :)

The feeding at night has clearly become a habit for your LO....can he fall asleep independently or does he need to be feed to sleep?

What does his routine look like (i.e. what time does he wake in the AM/ nap time & length/ bed-time etc?)

Have a look at the link below on Gradual Withdrawal & Walk In Walk Out & see what you think. I would suggest you have 2 options; 1/ Gradually cut down on the time you are feeding him when he wakes during the night 2/ Go cold turkey & drop the night feeds & use a combination of PD & GW or WI/WO to help to learn to self settle.

What do you think?