So DS is 17 months. He has gone through a lot these past two weeks - two eye teeth (one popped through last night), holiday away last week, developmental milestones, new routine with DH on holidays...
His routine was: wake 6:30, nap 12-2, BT 7:45-8. He would sleep through the night and all was great.
Teething hit and as usual with his teething he was waking around 2am needing a backrub and waking for good at 5:30, even with Dream Meds in the early morning...actually I find the meds to not work much on these eye teeth!
So now our days are looking more like this: wake 5:30 (sometimes I can APOP and nurse him back to sleep and he will sleep for another hour or so), nap 12-1:30 (shorter nap lately), BT: put him down at 6:45 and he only falls asleep after a lot of cuddling and nursing and back rubbing at 7:45 or 8.
This morning he was up for good at 5:40 and I put him down for his nap early, at 11, as he was very tired. He only got about 9hrs of sleep last night (awake for an hour from 3-4) and is going to need a lot of extra sleep today...
Should I be keeping his nap today at 2hrs max (if he can do them - with teething he tends to have shorter naps) and trying for an Early BT? How early? I find that he needs longer A times in the afternoons and even when teething will only fall asleep after 6hrs of A time... So I am thinking if he can nap from 11-1, then BT at 7 hopefully. Or should I let him nap even longer? If he wakes after 1.5hr nap (as he has been doing the last 2 days), then he wakes at 12:30 and BT at 6:30??? He will very rarely go to sleep with less than 6 hrs of A time no matter how hard I try and no matter how short a nap!
We're just a mess with all of these changes and we're exhausted!! Luckily he is a happy baby even when OT kicks in.