Sorry to hear things have been up and down! We have those moments, too. He just figured out rolling over from the back to the tummy and last night woke up twice because he was stuck on his tummy! Today we tried to practice a lot so if he gets stuck he can fix himself. I think this also means we might have to wean the swaddle earlier than I would like.
Our EASY is like this:
7/7:20 E (he sometimes wakes earlier but falls back asleep on his own)
8:45/9-10:45/11 S (I will do PU/PD until 11 just to extend his nap - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but I keep trying)
11:00 E
12:45-3:00 S (again, PU/PD until 3 so he can learn. If he sleeps past 3 I let him.)
3:00 E
4:45/5 S (cat nap, I definitely AP him to fall asleep, but we need it to make it to night time! This is a little later if he slept past 3, I try to watch his cues. When he gets crabby I know it's naptime).
pajamas/books/eat at 7:00 and off to bed
I've given up on the DF and I just let him wake himself (lately it's around 10:30 or 11). We'll sometimes get a waking around 1:30 if he hasn't napped well during the day and now he's found his fingers for sucking, so we're trying to help him go to those rather than the pacifier). He'll wake at 3:30ish for a feeding and then sleep until morning.
Might you have a day where you can really watch the clock for your girl to see how it goes? Maybe when your tot has a playdate or a good movie to watch? I know Tracy says not to watch the clock, but sometimes it helps just to get the ball rolling?