I'm not sure if I even have a problem here, so I think I just may need some reassurrance that my LO is doing ok!
DS is 7.5 months and started STTN from the DF a little over a month ago... this was a long time coming and we were thrilled not to be getting up in the night anymore!
He also started refusing the CN around this time and after about a month of limbo (some days CN, some days not) we finally seem to have dropped it for good. Even on days when he hasn't napped as well, he will usually refuse it unless we do some serious APing and even then it can take him up to an hour to finally settle and then it's too close to bedtime! On these days we usually go for an earlier BT.
So right now he is generally doing two naps of 1.5 hrs (sometimes a bit longer, up to 2 hours) and then asleep for the night around 7:15, DF at 10:30.
The issue is his wakeup time which is around 6am, 6:15 at the latest. This is almost an 11 hour night and so I don't think it's technically an EW, but I guess I have it in my head that he should be sleeping 12 hours at night! He used to sleep until 7-7:30am, but this was when he was waking up for a feed around 3am and would often be up for almost an hour.
When he wakes up he will babble for a few minutes and then within a few minutes he is quite upset, he will scream until I feed him, even when I’m changing his diaper etc. It’s like he’s just so famished! He will then take a good breastfeed and a full breakfast of solids an hour later. I don’t know how I will ever drop the DF if he is this hungry in the morning!
The last week we have had a couple of earlier wakings, one at 5:30 and then this morning 5:50, which makes me nervous. Hopefully this doesn’t continue!
Here is our current EASY:
6 Wake
6:15 E
7:30 Solids
9-10:30/10:45 S (we have just started stretching this A out to 3 hrs)
10:45 E
12 Solids
1:30-3/3:15 S (we still get some short naps here at times but can usually extend)
3:15 E
5 Solids
6:15 Bath
6:30 E, then bedtime routine
7 BT
10:30 DF
His last A is long but he refuses the CN and we’ve tried earlier BT and he just wakes earlier in the am.
So I guess my question is: is 10.5-11 hours ok for this age (almost 8 months) or do the majority of LOs do the coveted 12 hour night? Should I be trying to get him to sleep longer in the am, or should I just accept that this is his wakeup time?