hi there...
here is our usual routine...
7 am wake up BF
8 am Breakfast
10:15 am nap (usually 1 hr 15 mins :/)
12 pm bottle of soy milk
12:30 pm lunch
2:30 pm nap (30 mins)
4:30-5 pm dinner/dessert
5:45 pm bath
6:15 pm BF and bed (I nurse her but 9 times out of 10 she doesn't fall aseep and is put in her crib awake and settles herself to sleep within a few mins)
6:30 pm asleep
11:30 pm nw (takes a full bf session about 10 mins and back in crib asleep or awake)
4:30-5 am nw (SAA)
both times at night she will take a full 10 min feed and go back in her crib to sleep...most times she is awake and will settle herself...if I try to do ANYTHING but bf her at these wakings she flips out...its the only thing to calm her enough to be willing to go back to sleep :/ the fact that she takes a full feed makes it odd that she may not be waking out of hunger..but i have no clue how she could possibly be hungry...she nurses 2x a day and takes a mid day bottle of soy...has 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks...and she can eat trust me...this kid will sit and have 2 pancakes in the morning and still be looking for more...i can't imagine its hunger.
she is more than capable of settling herself to sleep..she does it for naps and BT it's just these wakings...her naps are not great at all...I'd love to rectify that issue as well...been trying to but I am not succeeding at all :/ stresses me out that she doesn't get the sleep she needs
last night she woke at 9:30 (3 1/2 hrs from BT after a 1 hr 10 min am nap and a 15 min pm nap! so guessing that was an OT nw)...i let her go a bit...which i don't usually do she wasn't screaming but crying a bit and standing up..within 2 mins she actually went back to sleep...she woke letting out a cry or two maybe 2-3 more times within that hour but settled herself and then sttn but woke early at 6 am. (12 hr night though since she went to bed earlier i guess that created the earlier waking) most nights when she wakes i am not so sure she'd settle like that so quickly...SHOULD I just leave her a bit even if she is crying a little? I always feel bad :/ i don't think wiwo would work with her because she is very clingy to me and once she sees me that will be it...what do you think? any advice is welcome...for both nw AND naps if you got it...i am open