DD was MSPI and was on Nutramigen and then eventually Neocate. Well back in June I started gradually switching her over to soy formula and I'm happy to say that after a month she was totally on soy and now is doing very well. So I started with little bits of yogurt and she seemed fine. So I've been giving her food with very little bits of cheese or milk or butter in it for the past three weeks. Well her poop has started to get softer and softer. It is now mushy and not formed at all and sometimes almost looks separated. There is no mucous though.
She also has some bumpy skin on her cheeks and upper arms but I honestly think that is heat related.
She doesn't have any other symptoms but when we first determined she was MSPI it was because of black/green kind of mucousy poop. She doesn't have any mucous in her poop now though but she is also having very little amounts. For example, risotto that has some cheese in it, shepherd's pie that had a little bit of cheese on top and a little bit of butter and milk in the potatoes, a tbsp of cut up cheese, etc. I wanted to make sure I didn't give her too much at a time so this is how I've been doing it.
So what do you think? Does this sound like a fail? She is also teething and has been for the past month off and on but I'm really not sure if that could be it. She doesn't seem uncomfortable other than crying when getting her diaper change. I have no idea it that has anything to do with pain or if it is just her being almost 11 months old and not wanting a diaper change. She doesn't have a diaper rash, just slightly more pink skin under her diaper but it doesn't require rash cream. I just don't know.