
We thought we were making progress, but it is turning into a nightmare... have had two of the last three nights finding me up more than 2 hrs with a LO who will not fall asleep. I'm a wreck, am pretty sure he is getting to be OT as well. Along the way of teething and not wanting solids during the day, we now seem to also have a bottle prop at night. Not sure what to do with any of it, but especially, with today's nap(s)
We were working toward a 1 nap/day, were traveling from Sept 1-Sept 6 and it worked great to do one nap then (only had to go for a catnap once, was still waking at night but quickly going back with a bottle) and even worked for most days since we got home. But last night was the second of three where he was up more than 2 hrs and would not settle until I held him to sleep. This took two tries. I know he was desperately tired. He goes to sleep at bedtime and naps independently. Is teething (very slow teether) and we are medicating for it.
Here is the last two day's worth of muck. Am especially urgently hoping for a recommendation for today's nap(s). THANK YOU!
Up at 5:53
First nap 10:18-11:50. Woke on own
Second nap 3-3:45. We were going to wake then but woke on own with a BM.
Sleep for bedtime at 7:23 (had gone down earlier but had a BM and thus, didn't sleep til changed)
Woke at 12:19 at night. Wanted/got milk
Slept 12:35-4. Wanted/got milk but did not take much
Slept from about 4:15- til 5:19
Up at 5:19
First nap 10:14-11:40 (BM woke him, again)
Tried for second nap at 2:40, but had two more BMs which wrecked that (and this pattern of BMs at naptime is very recent, btw)
Sleep at bedtime 6:52
Awake 10:55 pm. Wanted/got milk. Would say he wanted to go in crib but not resettle (would start crying for mommy about 5-10 minutes after I left). Gave anti-gas meds, thinking that might be issue. Didn't help. Gave more teething meds again just before 12. Finally got to sleep at about 1:20, holding him in the chair.
Awake again 4:45. Took 4 oz milk. Asleep by about 5.
Awake for day at 6:20