It's great to have such a forum!!
My daughter , who slept entire nights from the very beggining (without our help, she did it by herself)
is now 4.5 months old.
It's been a month since she started waking up during nights- at the beginning just in order to get her pacifier back if it felt, and fell back asleep when we gave her the pacifier, and now she does it more often (almost every night,sometimes more then once at night)- but the pacifier doesn't calm her, and she doesn't go back to sleep untill I feed her.
I usually try not to feed her before I try everything else, because I don't want her to get used to that (this night, for example, i waited 40 minutes untill I fead her. I tried the tooth medication, and then the pacifier - and she would lose it, and i'll give it back to her.finally, I BF her, and she felt asleep right when she finished).
a few facts....
1) We started the "sleeping ceremony" a little late- just when all this began.
2)I BF her . no bottles at all, so I give her more food during the meals (she might get more, or may not)
3)she's having her teeth.... we discovered the 1st teeth at exactly 4 months, and now she has 2 teeth.
I tried to give her medication for that before feeding her, but it doesn't help much...
4) I'm on a diet (specially for BF woman: 1600 a day- I eat from all Essential nutrient). (i started that when she was 2.5 months. I don't think it has anything to do with it, because she's complitly calm and happy after eating).
5)I dream-feed her (BF) every night.
6)She's following an easy routine, but doesn't have fixed hours (it all depends on when she wakes up on the morning).Only for shower+bedtime , we try to do it at about the same hour eveyday.
7) she had eating issues at the beginning, she wasn't gaining enough weight, but now she's good - but still relatively thin.(4 month, almost 5.5 kg, 61 cm)
I think the tooth pain is waking her up (??), and when she's awake- then she realizes that she's hungry.
PS forgive me for my english... it's not my natural language, and I read a translation of the books.