Wondering if I can get some comfort from those los are lo sleep needs.
DD1 was a very high sleep need baby and toddler and would always give me 3hour naps. To this day if I let her sleep, she would still nap for three hours. DD2 on the other hand, does give me decent nights with the odd nw here and there but her naps are just blah! When she transitioned to one nap at 12.5months she would give me delicious 2.5hour naps and now they are down to 1.5-2hrs. She is a pretty happy girl and can go all day without a nap-until she passes out. She is spirited when it comes to sleep and I could be missing her window when it comes to bt. Normally, when I put her down for bed or nap, she goes down like a breeze, but lately for bed she is chatting a while. I don't mind the chatting b/c she does fall asleep independently. Anyhow, I am just wondering is a 1.5hour nap enough for a one nap, especially for a 13month old? this is all new to me and am frazzled by it b/c DD1 never gave me these short naps. Also, I would say I still have to extend her nap 4 times out of the week.
here is how the last few days have gone:
wu 6:45pm
nap 12-2pm
bed 7:30pm but didn't fall asleep until 7:45pm
wu 6:40am
nap 12:10-2:10pm
bed 7:30pm didn't fall asleep until 7:50pm
nw 4:30pm for a cuddle. didn't want pain meds.. kept spitting them out.
Today wu 6:50am
nap 12:05pm-1:45pm didn't want to go back down
aiming for a 7pm bt b/c I don't think she will have a cn.