Hi everyone,
Could this be the 18 month sleep regression? DS is 17.5 months and for the past few weeks he has been having NWs (that I don't believe are teething related). For most of them he has resettled himself without intervention (please don't let me be jinxing myself). Naps were good, but then for the past week they were 45 min to an hour (he is on one) and now today he has been in his crib babbling, squealing, kicking the headboard and is now starting to fuss. This has been going on for about an hour now. He always goes down very easily for his nap, even when he takes a short one.
I have another thread going about a language delay (he has no words), but it seems like he has been making leaps and bounds in the past few days. While there are still no words, he has become much more verbal all of a sudden. (His babbling has always been very short - never long strings of it, but today at least he won't stop which is awesome). Could this be contributing?
It is quiet now so he may have fallen asleep. I have no idea because he turned the video camera away in all of his hijinks so I can't see him!!
Regression or developmental? Or are regressions due to developmental factors? Either way - how do I handle? Early BTs until it passes + WI/WO if he doesn't settle himself?
Thanks ladies!!!