We tried that, at least as a method to catch up, but Oscar was already in the BBB by then, so a bit more comfortable.
I mainly remember this phase on hols in my parents alone with the two kiddies when E was 6 mths and Oscar 3 yrs 3 mths. This was actually the worst period in sleep for him. I used to go into his room and lay there with him (he was getting up even at 4am with the one hr time difference btw PL and IRL) and would sometimes get him to drop back off. On that holiday, me and my mum took turns going into him. Thankfully E was STTN for a long while before that (from 10 weeks, the little pet ;-) so it was just his sleep we were working on, as well as me staying up or getting up for the DF for E.
I would say, yes, its a prop but come on, you can't go on like this so if it works and DH is ok to do it, then go ahead for now.
S x