I've tried an earlier bedtime (back when he slept in his crib and we didn't have sleep issues). He would just wake at 5 or 5:30. We did this for 6 months and it killed me. He would wake happy as a lark and ready to play. I finally decided to adjust his bedtime, 10 min at a time, until he woke later at an appropriate time. I don't want to go back to 5am wake! I thought a toddler needed 10-13 hours of sleep in total? He's getting 10-.5-11 in total. Is it supposed to be 10-13 plus the nap? How do I make him sleep longer? He's a very happy toddler without OT issues (ie. doesn't cry or act up or show any signs of being OT). My daughter (at this age) had a bedtime of 8 at this age, but she used to wake at 7. How do I make his sleep longer?
I don't think the solution is to "get rid of the bfing" (I never said I wanted to stop bfing in my original post). The WHO recommends bfing up to 2 years and beyond with health advantages that extend well into adulthood. Graydon just turned 2, I know it might seem odd to some that I still bf him, but this should really be the norm. I know he is trying to turn it into a prop by wanting to bfing longer and I am aware of this but I stop when he stops drinking, so I think I am not letting him turn this into a prop.
My problem is that after his bath and windown he doesn't want to go into his crib- he freaks out. Do you think it's because he's sleeping in a "big boy bed" at preschool and has issue with the crib? I can't even get to the point of WIWA or GW! He clings and freaks out when I try to put him in. I even talk to him calmly about it prior, while we're reading, so he knows that it's bf, read 2 books, then bed. He says NO, he doesn't want to sleep in his bed, he wants my bed. Should I force him into the crib? It sounds like he's going to cry and scream so hard that he will throw up! I have never let him cry like this and he's never cried like this over anything, this is why I don't force it.
I think I've figured out his NWs, they seem to be over now. He had NWS when he was drooling more (teething) and one day he had a "time-out" in preschool for pulling a girls hair. He talked about it all night, demonstrating to us on himself how he tugged hair. When we talked about his time-out he cried. (I don't do time-out). I think he had nightmares over this, he seemed to dream lots, move, moan and wake this night.