So DS has been going through a period of general sleep “wonkiness” I would say for a month or two but the last couple days have gotten to a point where I just don’t know what to do. His nights have been getting shorter and shorter, now to an average of about 10 hrs, but he has been making up for it with longer naps, 2-3 hrs. Two nights ago he had a really short night, 7.5 hrs, and we haven’t been able to get back on track since. It has been literally impossible to get him to sleep after that. If I put him in bed he lays for a minute, plays around, then starts the game of climbing in and out of bed, thinking its absolutely hilarious if I put him back in. I finally got him to nap 7 hrs after he woke up (he normally does a 4-5 hr A) and he slept for 2.5 hrs. Last night was the same thing, straight up sleep refusal, I ended up laying with him for an hour until he finally nodded off, but then again a 2 hr NW and up again with a total of maybe 10 hrs sleep. I should note, he is in really good spirits, but how do I get him to sleep again? I just tried for a nap again and same antics of playing, climbing in and out of bed, etc. I know he must be tired and in some sort of OT euphoria, but he’s just not sleeping! Help me!