Author Topic: Back to waking twice a night! Help!  (Read 1075 times)

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Back to waking twice a night! Help!
« on: October 03, 2011, 15:46:25 pm »
My 4 month old son was doing so well with only waking once at night between 2-3am and then not again until he was up for the day between 6:30-7am.  Since last Thursday night he has been waking around 1am and again at 5am.  The one thing I have noticed is he is not finishing a full bottle at 5am waking.  Also, he falls asleep in my arms taking his bottle, but when I lay him down he wakes up immediately and starts talking and playing.  UGH!  I walk away and just leave him be until he starts fussing then I go in and put the paci in and he usually goes to sleep.  Therefore, not only is he waking up twice again, but also not wanting to go back to sleep.  I will add that 2 weeks ago he was diagnosed with a MPI and his formula changed to a formula that is amino acid based and very easy to digest.  This is in addition to already having reflux that he is being treated for.  He is eating so much better and is so happy now so I hate to complain.  I am wondering if this change in formula is what is causing the multiple night wakings because maybe he is not staying satisfied as long.  I try and feed him as much as he wants, but he still only takes about 28oz a day.  He is 15lbs 8oz.  He doesn't want to eat when he gets up because of the 5am feed and therefore, he ends up taking a bottle and going down for a nap around 9 which then messes up out EASY routine.  Any ideas as to what is going on and what I can do to fix it?

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Re: Back to waking twice a night! Help!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 21:14:05 pm »
One other thing I thought about trying was keeping him up longer at night, but that would put him taking a CN between 6-7pm.  He is just always grouchy and ready for bed between 7-8pm.

Offline gabrielsmommy

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Re: Back to waking twice a night! Help!
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 01:59:14 am »
I haven't been writing down my EASY routines for a while because he is in daycare 4hrs a day on Tuesday's and Thursday's and on the other days we are not always home all day.  Other than the days in daycare, he pretty consistently takes 2 2-2.5hr naps a day and his awake time is 2-2.5hrs.  He does act like he is teething.  He is chewing on everything he can put in his mouth.  Funny thing is, last night he slept from 8pm-4am without a peep, took his bottle and went right back off to sleep on his own until 7:30am.  Maybe it was a growth spurt those fews days, but he hasn't been eating any more than usual.  I am just not sure.  I will see what happens tonight.