My lo is nearly 4 months and is on a 3.5 hour easy typical day
7.30am wake
8.50 sleep
11am wake
12.30pm sleep
2.30pm wake
3.45pm sleep
6pm ish wake feed
10.30pm DF
stirs around 3am goes back to sleep and then wakes at 4am feed
7.30am wake, sometimes 8am
when he takes the df he takes about 150-200ml, then wakes again around 4ish and takes 150-200, but then when he wakes at 7.30amish he only takes about 100ml which is frustrating and sometimes wakes early from first nap due to only taking in a small feed. When we didnt have the DF about a month ago he would feed at 7pm and then wake around 2.30am (habital i think) which is why we introduced the DF, but would feed much better at the 7am feed and take in a fuller amount. We have had a few nights with doing the DF that he has woken at 6am, but then gone back to waking around 4ish. i dont see him stretching it out much more than before we did the DF as he would wake at 2.30am and iwth DF at 4am.....sometimes i think that he doesnt really need the 4am feed but would love it if he woke at least around 6ish.
what should i do should i try and cut the DF out, or leave it and just try to resettle at the 4am wake up?
thanks kirsten