Hi, I posted about a month ago about my LO's sleep issues. When she was 6 months she was having short 40minute naps and OT. The initial problem was that she was always tired about an hour after her morning wake up, but would only sleep for 40minutes for all of her naps. Another poster suggested slowly extending her morning wake time, which we did, it slowly went to 2 hours, and with some PU/PD everything went great! Her naps extended to about 1.5 hrs. Night sleep was 12-12.5hrs and was on a pretty good 2-3-4 schedule
This lasted for about 2 weeks =(. This last week her night sleep has been getting shorter and shorter, she used to sleep for 12-12.5 hrs and now she sleeps for about 11-11.5hrs (I know not a big difference, but it is to me in the morning!) and now she wakes up crying at 40minutes and it'll take me about 30minutes of PU/PD to get her back to sleep. What's going on? I've tried increasing her first A time to 2.5 hrs and still the same result. Here's an example of today's EASY
E/A 6:40am-9am (BF at 6:40, solids at 8am)
S 9-940, PU/PD for 30 minutes, slept for another 30minutes
E/A 1040-140 BF at 1030 solids at 12
A 140-320pm sleep 40minutes PU/PD for 30, and slept for another 30minutes
E/A 320-730pm BF at 320 solids at 530, night time routine at 630, bath, massage, change, nurse, sleep sack, bed, put down drowsy but awake
1130pm DF
Awake at 640ish.
Why have things changed? I don't think she's teething, and if she was, wouldn't her night time sleep be affected? TIA... appreciate you reading this and for your help!