Author Topic: How do I explain nightmares to an almost 3 year old?  (Read 1204 times)

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How do I explain nightmares to an almost 3 year old?
« on: October 06, 2011, 22:34:22 pm »

My little guy has been having nightmares for the past week. At the moment he is coming in to our bed around 11pm each night (this has been going on since our 2nd bub arrived 4 months ago and we have let it go for too long), and around 2am each morning for the past week he has had a nightmare. Sometimes he wakes up, other times he appears to be a sleep and we have to wake him. They seem to be about every day things like screaming for his dinner or cup of milk or something about one of his TV show characters.

What is the best way on handling these nightmares - we try to calm him down and reassure him, but is there anything specifically we should say to indicate that it is a nightmare?

He dropped his daytime sleep approx 3 weeks ago (he has rest time on the lounge - at this stage watching a movie, because it is the only thing that will keep him still/quiet so my bub doesn't wake up). Not sure if this is contributing to the nightmares??

Thanks, Elle

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Re: How do I explain nightmares to an almost 3 year old?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 23:50:17 pm »
TV/movies can definitley contribute to nightmares.  As can OT and OS.  Big changes or stress about something can also bring on bad dreams.   :(   I'd (if it were me) limit tv and stop by 3 pm or so. Lots of outside play, and lots of calm before bed with a long wind-down...books, quiet cuddles, etc.    During the day, maybe you can get him to open up about the dreams...if he says "Oscar the grouch is chasing me"  you can say "Hmmm...well, maybe in your dream, you could turn around and say 'Hey you grouch! Are you following me because you know I'm going to the park? Come on you silly grouch...let's play!'  Try to make him laugh about it if you can, always validating his feelings, but showing him also that he can try to direct the dream, kwim?  "You were crying for milk in your dream? Did you know that in your dream, anything can happen!! You could snap your fingers and *poof*...milk appears!"

 As for what to say, just tell him it isn't real, that you're sorry he feels firhgtened, comfort him and validate him. It's important (imo) not to say "There's nothing to be afraid of" or things like that...that can sound confusing to a lo, because to them, there sure IS something to be afraid of!  Let him know you're there for him...and that even though it can feel real, it isn't. Because're here and I'm here and everyone is safe and sound. 

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Re: How do I explain nightmares to an almost 3 year old?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 20:04:24 pm »
you could pertend to have a magic spray that gets rid of monsters and use something or pretend to spray where ever the monster is, we also got my daughter a magic might light that dosent allow bad dreams to come, only good happy dreams. :-)

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Re: How do I explain nightmares to an almost 3 year old?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 20:16:34 pm »
We've just been going through this and it's *hard*.  We have put his very large "Tigger" in the bottom of his bed and Tigger stays awake all night and keeps away the bad dreams.  My mum used to tell use to turn the pillow over which worked when I was small but DS doesn't sleep with a pillow so we've been hitting the mattress instead!