Author Topic: 10 month old nighttime horror!  (Read 1018 times)

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Offline SamsmumKaren

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10 month old nighttime horror!
« on: October 12, 2011, 11:17:33 am »
Hi, Please help my little one has turned into a shouter in the middle of the night.

He is just turning 10 months and last week we stayed at my mums for the week. That is when the sleeping troubles started. He would make a huge fuss when going to bed, start crying as soon as we entered his bedroom. Would eventually get him to settle after about an hour and would sleep through the night (all except one night where he woke at 4.30 and cried)

We came home 5 days ago and ever since he has been awful at being left alone, cries whenever i'm in the kitchen or if visitors or his dad leaves the home etc. Before this would not have fazed him at all. He is also crying when going to bed - although the longer we are home the easier this is getting. My real problem is that he is waking numerous times at night, odd times so no real pattern and will only go back to sleep if I sit with him for a while. He is also waking up much earlier that he did before we went away, around 6 am. He has been a very good sleeper for the past few months, no problem in putting him down, sleeping through the night (usually 12 hours) & self soothing. I've been spoilt and now need to sleep!

Here's some additional info just in case anyone has an idea!

How old is your child? 10 months next week
What’s his/her daily routine? Everything to approx half hour.

wake - 6am
E - 7am milk 210ml, breakfast 1 hour later
S - 9.3am
Wake 11.00
E 11.30am milk 210 ml, lunch 1 hour later
S - 3pm
wake 4
E 4pm -milk 210ml, dinner 5.30 ish
Bath and bed by 7ish

How long are naps? - 1 hour ish
How many wakes per night? - between 1 and 4
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? - fussy, cries if i leave the room. Last night was awake for an hour or so.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? Um not sure?
What have you tried to settle?? just putting a hand on his front/back ... telling him to go to sleepies etc, just sitting in the room until he drops off.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? usually 3.5 hours in the morning, 4 afternoon. Play with toys, go out for a walk, sometimes 10 mins of baby tv before he goes up to bed.
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? He seems to be teething all the time (8 teeth) and has just learnt to stand (whilst holdiing something) and crawl properly.
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months) Only baby porridge/reddybrek and he doesn't like it!Do they have a prop? If so what is it? He has a dummy, and at present he has a woombie (sort of straight jacket we are trying to wean him out of, sleeps without one in the days, wont go to sleep without at night.)
Do they have a lovie? No.

any help would be great, I'm wondering if I should be giving a bottle going to bed?


Offline SamsmumKaren

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« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2011, 20:40:49 pm »
Hi Jane,

Thanks so much for your reply... he's actually been better as the days go on, but is definatley starting on the SA. That link has helped pinpoint things, He is also teething so he's having a bit of a bad time at the mo. I have to spend the night away from him tomorrow so we will see how it goes, fingers crossed he doesn't wake as much.....

Offline SamsmumKaren

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Re: 10 month old nighttime horror!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2011, 06:10:09 am »
Hi Jane,

Both my sister and son survived the night!

He did however wake up a couple of times, around 10pm and 3.15am. My sister fed him (milk) both times, so around an extra 10 oz for that day. He took both bottles and was asleep within 5 mins (whereas it's taking me around an hour to get him to sleep when he wakes without feeding him). He then slept till 7.25 am, whereas at home he's waking around 6. I'm starting to think maybe it's a growth spurt and he needs an extra feed at night, or would this just be the start of AP?!!!

Im not sure how to proceed... on the SA front he seemed fine, although his teeth are still giving him pain.

Any ideas you have would be great, I go back to work in a couple of weeks and would like to have an idea of how to handle the nights.

Thank you again!
