Thank you so much for your reply (and your hug, I've never needed one more!) Right now my day kind of looks like this:
Wake 6:30-7 (although if it's been a very bad night I'll let her go as late as 7:30)
E - Milk on waking
A - play, solids around 8/8:15, bath
S - 900 for ~1.5-2 hours but never later than 1100
E - milk @ 1100
A - outside, shopping trip etc, solids at 1230-1245
S - 130 for 1.5-2 hours but never later than 4pm
E - milk at 1500 or upon waking
A - outside to pick up ds, solids at 5:45, milk at 6:30/7
S - bedtime 7/7:30
I try to follow it as much as possible with some flexibility of about 15 mins on either side.
In terms of A time I'm often pushing her just to make it to my naptime goals. Our extensive NW's have left my DD VERY sleepy during they day so she often starts showing me tired cues around the 2 hour mark after waking. I have to take her out of the house otherwise she won't play, she'll just sit on the floor and cry. If she wakes for the day before 7am she's often down for her first nap by 845. The last two days shes had 30 min naps in the afternoon too, and despite ~1 hour of PU/PD I just could not resettle her.
She falls asleep completely on her own - no crying, no PU/PD, she just can't ever seem to get herself back to sleep once she's woken!
She's also started scooting/creeping within the last few weeks so her play time is spent criss-crossing the house which I'm sure tires her out.
Great points to ponder too - thanks.
Teething - no teeth yet and no little 'pits', you know the ones that form just before they pop out, but I'm giving her the herbal Camilia before each nap/sleep just to calm her and just in case.
Allergies - I haven't introduced any new foods to her since we started this process just to eliminate any of those issues and everything has been fairly smooth in terms of introducing solids (unless you count the fact that she's uber-picky!) She's on three solid feeds per day taking ~1 baby cube at breakfast, 2 at lunch and sometimes 3 at dinner.
Reflux - you may be on to something...she still does spit up a lot which I guess I really don't know much about. My DS never spit up ever - even as a baby, but it seems to be something she does pretty much every day. Not huge quantities but little spots on the floor where she has been playing. Do most kids require medication for that???
Also possibly worthwhile to mention: she has developed very strong separation anxiety over the last few weeks. Definitely exacerbated by fatigue. When she's super tired she can't even handle my husband holding her, she starts crying and lunging out of his arms for me. It's exhausting.