Sorry it has taken so long for me to reply. So (too) much going on over here...
Sian and KDee - thanks! I am pretty sure it's not teeth because he just has the 2nd year molars left and his dentist said a few weeks ago that there were no sign of them coming in. It *could* be developmental. He is speech delayed (which is likely being caused by some underlying neurological issue (ie motor planning issues)
). However, he has started speech therapy and I have started working with him (in play) all day long, so part of me wonders if he's either overstimulated or on the verge of something.
We are getting a few NWs here and there. He usually resettles himself within a minute or two, but he does cry out in the middle of the night at times. I thought that maybe his sleep needs were changing, but for the most part he has been tacking on what he has missed during the day in the night.
I thought that maybe he was working on dropping his nap (even though it is so so so early for that), but he is falling asleep within 10 minutes. Plus the extreme crying makes me think OT, but I don't know how to resolve. I have been putting him in his crib at 630 and for the most part he'll fall asleep between 645 and 7 and sleep til 615/630 (maybe a touch later here and there). I try to extend the nap, but it is very rare that I can do that with shh/pat anymore. He is hysterical when he wakes up so it's got to be either OT or discomfort. I just don't know what discomfort he might have as I haven't introduced new foods recently, no teething etc.
I wouldn't mind the shorter nap if I felt like it didn't bother *him*, but I feel like it must with the excessive crying when he wakes up (took a REALLY long time to calm him today after he woke)
It's been going on for 3 weeks now...I keep hoping that it will work itself out, but I don't know how else to help him.
Thanks to you both.