Hoping I could get some advice please
My 1 year old has not been the best of sleepers ever but one consistant thing I did have with her is that she was really easy to put down for a sleep... ESPECIALLY at night time. After her bottle (and her nightly routine which has been followed since she was born) she would talk to herself and after 15 - 30 mins she would go to sleep.
last Wednesday I put her down in the afternoon and went outside for about 5/10 mins - I heard her crying but thought she would drift off after a little moan. Next thing her cry changed and turned hysterical. I went straight in and cuddled her and put her back down but she was so upset. I ended up rolling her on her side (facing away from me) and patted her bottom until she fell asleep. (I can identify nothing that might have scared her)
Since that happened i have a nervous wreck of a child on my hands. She cries her heart out if I leave the room and because I am in the room she wants to play! At night it is taking me over an hour to get her asleep. And when I do leave her to have a "little cry" its not a normal cranky cry, its really panicy. I reassure her I am there pat her, stroke her face tell her its bed time now go to sleep... nothing works!!! What do I do? I have a 2 1/2 yo who needs me too at night so I cant sit with her alone in the room for 1 1/2??
Any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated!