So last night went better....
BF and asleep by 8pm
woke at midnight -DH gave soother and played luluaby music and she went back to sleep within 15mins
woke at 230-BF and back to sleep
woke 6:30 because she pooped
BF and back to sleep
started day 8:15am
E: BF 9:10am (I tried to have her wait longer but she was getting very fussy as she is use to being fed when she wakes in the morning)
S: nap 10-11:40am
E: BF 12:35pm
***here's where it went bad!!***
S: 145-215pm (tried to shhh/pat back to sleep and tried to leave her so she could put herself back to sleep but was wide awake and would not sleep)
E: BF 330pm
S: 4:10pm-4:30pm (would not go back to sleep again but this time when I tried she was screaming!! i tried PU/PD but she was mad!) Then we tried putting her in her carseat and taking her for a drive...still no sleeping until 6pm and she's napped for 15mins only!!!
She was then wide awake again...a little fussy but not too bad. She seemed content to be awake?!?!?
Bedtime: BF and asleep by 8pm!!!!! FINALLY!!!
I did try to feed every 4 hrs but since she's use to 3 she was not impressed...i'm sure it'll take a few days to get her use to it.
could changing her nightsleep sched be effecting her daytime napping??? I will continue to teach her to sleep thru the night and hopefully her day time naps will get better.