Hi all,
My DS was a fantastic eater. he would have 4 bottles a day of 5 or 6 oz each plus 3 solid meals.
he started dropping his 4 pm bottle and then slowly he started drinking less and less milk. this stated a couple of weeks ago.
his solid intake has gone down by 30%...
i took him to the Dr and she said that he might end up having anemia if he continues this way and geve me Iron drops.
this also coincides with his upper front tooth coming in. he has one 2 bottom teeth and one upper tooth.
Is he ever gonna drink his milk agian??
he was doing anywhere between 18-24 oz a day and now he is down to 8-10 oz a day.
this really really concerns me because he refuses the bottle, cup or sippy. he also stopped drinking water... and he never really liked juice.