Author Topic: night wakings in 20 month old  (Read 768 times)

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Offline akshu

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night wakings in 20 month old
« on: October 28, 2011, 17:23:12 pm »
Hi babywhisperer mommies
I would like some advice on how to handle night wakings and get a better bedtime routine for our DS. DS is now 20 months old, and has already been sleep trained. He usually wakes up between 630-730 am, and naps at 1-330pm, and again goes to bed at 730-815pm. However off late he has been resisting bed time, goes down crying, and doesn't typically sleep for until 60 minutes after we put him down. He also has been waking up in the middle of the night around 1pm- crying (not sure if it is a bad dream or teeth), but he doesn't look like he is teething.  We then bring him into our bed, where he stays awake until 3pm. I try putting him down in his crib 2-3 times but doesn't work, ultimately I think he gets tired around 3-4am and then goes to sleep. He does have some stuffed toys in his crib, but he mostly plays with them, like throws them out of the crib vs use them as lovey's. When he is crying to calm him down we typically pick him up, hold and rock him, and then when calm, but awake put him down in the crib.
i am wondering do I let him oversleep in his nap? is that what's wrong/.
Thank you for ur ehlp

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Re: night wakings in 20 month old
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2011, 09:54:26 am »
Hi there!

From what you've said about your LO's routine, I would say it looks like he's more than likely UT at BT hence him taking a while to go to sleep. I would say he needs more A-time after his nap to BT (ATM it's only around 4/4.5hrs?). His nap is also quite long so it could well be robbing from his night sleep, hence the NW's.

Would he nap any earlier if you were to pull his nap forward a bit? Alternatively you could keep the nap at his current time of 1pm but then push BT a bit later so that he gets more A-time & is tired enough to go to bed. I would start by capping his nap at 2hrs & stick to this for a few days to allow for him to adjust & to see if it makes any difference to his night sleep.

Does this help?  :)