Not sure if this is a new phase of development, the fact that she has a bit of a cold, teething (two yr molars) or being ot BUT... my daughter is fighting her naps. Just when I think she's asleep, I check in on her and she's up sitting or playing in her crib. Very frustrating because by 5o'clock she's all done. This is the 6th day of her not sleeping at ALL during the day. What do we do? We've been following easy since the day she came home from the hospital and with the right amount of sleep is an angel. Please help. Here's what her typical day looks like...
wakes up: around 7 (give or take)
plays in crib till 8:15
Breakfast 8:30
wake time/snack
lunch 12:00
wake time
NAP 1:15-1:30 (even when she was sleeping it was taking her a while to settle in) tried moving nap up earlier and didn't help.
on a good day she sleeps 1hr 1/2. It's been a while since she's napped for 2hrs but that was ideal> I've been leaving her in her crib for the full two hrs because she's content talking, babbling and singing.
Wake time
Dinner around 5:00
Bath 6:00-6:30
Bed 7:00 (if no nap 6:30)
Night sleep is not a problem. We usually never hear from her until the morning except once this week she did wake up crying through the night around midnight. Changed her diaper, gave her some medicine and she went backt to sleep within 10min.