Author Topic: formula feeding causing fussiness?  (Read 1194 times)

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formula feeding causing fussiness?
« on: November 04, 2011, 16:52:35 pm »
Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone has experience of what my lo is going through:
He is 6 months old.  I stopped bfing at 2.5 months.  Not long after that, he became tremendously fussy, always whinging.  When he was about 4 months, he caught a tummy bug and had the runs for over 2 weeks.  Eventually we switched to soya, and although his poops have returned to normal consistency, he poops about 4 times a day, and is still consistently whingey.  He is still taking soya milk.  I have noticed that he is much more wriggley than other babies, always wanting to bounce, and he rarely sits still in my arms unless I give him a pacifier.  I am honestly at my wits end because he never used to be like this and I KNOW that something isn't right.  The only time he isn't whingey is in the bath, getting his nappy changed, nappy off time, and in his bouncer.  The doctor doesn't think he has a food allergy as he was OK when I was bfing him (although he did suffer colic and reflux, which responded well to medicines).

Anyone have a similar experience? Does this sound like its linked to the introduction of formula feeding? Teething? Sometimes I think that this may just be his personality :(
HELP, I'm really worried.
He is a healthy height and weight (98th centile height, 75th weight).
Thanks, SP.

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Re: formula feeding causing fussiness?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 17:14:09 pm »
Sorry this was missed... how are things now?

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

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Re: formula feeding causing fussiness?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 21:58:14 pm »
When is the last time his meds were adjusted?