I'm back and things have got very bad very quickly and I'm desperate for some help! If she wasn't overtired before she certainly is now!
So I realised her afternoon activity time was too short so we put bedtime back to 7.15 and I thought I'd still cap the nap at 2 hours.
We are still getting the constant talking before bed time and we are averaging 9-10 hrs sleep only). She's constantly stirring and jerking - it's like she can't settle. The only way I can get her to sleep in to make her cry (by holding her really closely) and then after a few mins putting her in her cot and rocking her.
Here is her routine the past few days:
Woke 5.30 (after frequent nw) nap 12.30 (woke after 1 hr but resettle) I woke her after total nap of 2h15 - bed 7.15 , asleep 7.40 NW: 3.00
Woke 5.30. Nap 12.30-2.15, bed 7.10, asleep 8, NW:3-4.00 - ended up in our bed (rarely done) Woken at 7
Woken 7, nap 1-2 at nursery, bed 7.05, asleep 7.45 (had to settle her) NW: 9
Woke 5.15, nap 12.30-2.30, bed 7.15, asleep 7.40 (had to settle) NW:10,3
Woke 6, nap 1-2 nursery, bed 6.45 (looked shattered) asleep 7.15 (had to settle) NW: 9.30,12,1,2,3. Woke 5.20
As you can see last night was a mess. Woke every hour 4 times.
I'm refusing to settle her tonight as I don't want to become a prop. She was put to sleep at 7.15 and is still chatting away at 8.
With the NW she usually SS after 1-2 mins of crying. She has a comforter that she MUST HAVE to get to sleep.
How do I get her to go to sleep? I don't understand why she's suddenly started doing this. She is a real handful during the day and very grumpy, easily irritated and having tantrums.
I'm feeling like a bit of a failure of a mum at the moment

Any advice appreciated x