Lately it seems to be one thing after another with DS. We had a few days relief from what I thought was molar trouble but no sign yet. Now DS is screaming at nap and BT. I have never seen my little man so upset. I CAN NOT leave him. If I try GW or WI/WO he bangs his head off the wall and gets soo wound up which results in NW'ings and EW's. We have never had any success with WI/WO it frustrates the hell out of Sam and there is no settling him in order to WO.
Our EASY has been 5 hours to nap, then 6 hours to BT. However WU's have been totally inconsistent lately. Suspecting that A times may be too short I have extended 30 mins to nap time and BT at the moment. The last 2 nights because I stayed with him he slept through but this morning he woke at 5.35 which means just 9 hrs 50 sleep from a baby who was sleeping 12 hours. His naps have been shorter naturally..around 1hr 20 mins, but when longer I suspect I may need to cap at 1.5 now if he has had a night longer than 11 hours.
Ladies my 'Mother's instinct tells me this is not a sleep issue IYKWIM
He recently developed SA for me (2 weeks) and even Daddy won't do.
He is also reaching that huge talking milestone. Repeating everything and stringing 3 words together...talking in long sentences of key words and actions.
This morning I cried too because I'm tired and fed up and my house is upside down and my ironing pile to the sky. I feel drained. I was so strong when I did initial 'sleep training' now I feel useless. Do you think it takes more strength as time goes, when it can seem like one thing after another
DS is a delightfull little boy and I'm lucky that he is happy during the day and handles OT as well as can be expected so I really shouldn't grumble.
I have seen another thread of a little boy who is older than Sam doing the same thing. Is this something I need to just AP him through
I suspect so. It just feels like a huge step back from where we were.
Thanks for letting me rant. I am praying you have some words of wisdom out there.