My little guy's sleep issues are out of control! I feel like I have read SO many books/suggestions..and NOTHING works, and NEED a solution to our just seems to get worse and worse...
First, let me start with his EASY-
He is EBF..I pump and he takes a bottle every feed..
7am- Wake and 4oz
8am- solids
9am- Nap (1hr 20-1hr 40)
11am- 5oz
12pm- solids
12/12:30- Nap (1hr 20-1hr 40)
3pm- 5oz
5pm- solids
6:30- bath...6oz..bed by 7pm
11pm- 6oz dreamfeed
SO, naps have ALWAYS been an issue with my little guy, but we have finally gottan into a routine. He used to take a 40 minute catnap around 430ish, but he FIGHTS that nap so bad, that it just ends up being a struggle..and I'm not the one winning. So, I figured it was time to drop that nap. Mind you, his night wakings were happening EVEN with that nap, so I figured it didn't even make a difference...
He is waking up screaming around 9:30, again at 10:30 and then 3 or 4 other times throughout the night. I AM CLUELESS on what is causing this. We have tried leaving him in there, which occasionally works, and he does fall back asleep, we have tried him sleeping on his belly, re-plugging the paci (which usually always works). The minute he sees us, he stops crying, so I have a feeling that this is an attention thing. I have NO idea how to break this. It is almost like he doesn't need PU/PD, because if you put the paci in, and he sees you..he goes back to sleep. The problem is not the length of time he is up, because it is usually just minutes..but, it is the AMOUNT of times he is waking throughout the night. We are exhausted. I feel like this is getting worse and worse, and I don't know how to put a stop to it? He has always been such a good baby- he never cried in the night as a newborn, and rarely..up until about a month ago. Is 12hours too much sleep at night? We just can't keep him up past 7..he is dying to go to sleep..
Suggestions/thoughts?? If you can help, sending you a BIG hug!!