Hello, our little girl has been a good sleeper, going down at night and after night feeds well, most of the time. She was 9 lb 6 at birth, will be 8 weeks tomorrow and has fed well from the beginning. (for other details scroll to bottom)
The book tells me that she should be going for a long stretch at night now, possibly even sleeping through til 5 or 6 am. However, she wakes every night between 2 and 3 seeming genuinely hungry - she wont accept just a cuddle, the dummy or cool boiled water and feeds enthusiastically for 5 - 15 minutes (still not a full feed even though she seems hungry). She then usually goes straight back to sleep until between 5 and 6.15 am. At this point she still roots as if she is hungry but is not particularly interested in food when on the breast (feeding for only 5-10 mins). She still seems really tired and sometimes falls asleep as I carry her to the nursing chair, sp I know she's not really ready to start the day. Again, she won't be calmed with a dummy or shush pat.
We put her to bed at 7 every night and she naps about 3 1/2 - 4 hours in the day, never past 5 pm. We have done cluster feeding (though she turns 8 weeks tomorrow and I know it's recommended to stop at 8 weeks) and a dream feed every night (taking 130ml ish of expressed milk at this feed.)
I am really hoping to cut out the 3 am feed, even if only pushing it to 5 or 6am if that's what she can manage (and Tracey says that's quite normal at this stage). Or should I aim to cut out the 6am waking instead and keep the 3 am feed for now??
Any advice would be much appreciated! I know we could have it a lot worse at 8 weeks, but if she can manage to sleep longer I want to help her to do that!
How old is your child? 8 weeks tomorrow
What’s his/her daily routine? wakes around 6 -morning nap 9.15-9.45/10,
Do you bottle or breastfed?? breastfed
How much? or how long? it varies. she feeds for usually about 25 mins, sometimes (not often) up to 45
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) usually both
How many wakes per night? one between 2 and 3am, one between 5 and 6.15am
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? feeds and unless suffering from wind goes almost straight back to sleep.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? crying, kicking, squirming
What have you tried to settle?? won't take dummy or cool boiled water, keeps crying if cuddled (or back to sleep on me then wakes crying when put back down)
What do you do for A time and how long is it? she loves her bouncer (just normal wire framed seat) she observes a lot, sometimes i sing her songs etc. She stays awake up to 2 hours, usually only 1 and a half
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? don't think so
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? no
Do they have a lovie? no