Author Topic: 10 month old fussy but hungry so screaming at mealtimes. Help!  (Read 2732 times)

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Offline MyBabyI

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10 month old fussy but hungry so screaming at mealtimes. Help!
« on: November 21, 2011, 21:59:06 pm »
My 10 month old daughter was a great eater between 4 and 8 months, then she was ill for 2 months but seems a lot better now and as her appetite has definitely come back. During her illness we had a lot of refusals a mealtimes and crying but she didn't seam hungry either but that was to be expected. Now she is better (still teething tho) she is really hungry, smacking her lips when she sees food but is very fussy. She seems to prefer what I think is more junk food, like bland jars, yogurt (which she would eat all day), toast and bread sticks. I cook loads of Annabel Karmel meals, which have much stronger flavours and its these she is refusing, but some of them are recipes she used to enjoy!

The last couple of days she is so hungry when we sit down to a meal and sees that its homemade she goes into melt down, crying and screaming and the old way to calm her down is to give her a bread stick or get the yogurt out. I know some of this could be due to teething but I don't want to give in to her by giving her the things she likes all the time so that she is always fussy, but it breaks my heart that she is going hungry and she lost some weight while she was ill and she is so tiny as it is. I've tried giving her loads of praise when she eats it and ignoring her when she doesn't but I can't really ignore the screaming melt downs. I would love suggestions on what to do next.

This is her routine

7:30 - 8:00am wake up
8:30am 8 oz bottle (last few days she has drained it)
9:00am Breakfast porridge or weetabix and a fruit pot or pear or toast
11:30am 4oz bottle
1:00pm lunch homemade meal such a fish, veg & cheese sauce or beef stew or pasta  bolognese, homemade turkey & veg nuggets and a fruit pot or yogurt
3:00pm 4oz bottle (phasing this out)
5:00pm dinner lunch homemade meal such a fish, veg & cheese sauce or beef stew or pasta  bolognese, homemade turkey & veg nuggets and a fruit pot or yogurt
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 09:04:16 am by MyBabyI »

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Re: 10 month old fussy but hungry so screaming at mealtimes. Help!
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2011, 22:13:14 pm »
Olly did this at 10 months. Rejected anything I had lovingly prepared and only ate stuff out of a jar. I ended up putting my food into a jar for him. It was a phase though!

Offline Marie-O

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Re: 10 month old fussy but hungry so screaming at mealtimes. Help!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2011, 01:41:42 am »
Hi hon,
I'm with Buntybear! it's a phase!
My DD was eating great her purees at 6-7month, then started to refuse them and scream so I started finger food which was great, then she started to scream and throw everything on the floor (around 10month) so I went back to food on a jar giving her a spoon to deep in and play and was the solution.
Now she's 13 month I put some chopped veggies to grab and eat while I spoon feed her and it's working just fine.

I hope that helped!!

Hang in there, I know it's though specially the screaming part that gets more intense while teething (which seem to never ends). The soft spoons she can chew on helps her also get distracted.


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Re: 10 month old fussy but hungry so screaming at mealtimes. Help!
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 19:17:40 pm »
does she need 2 hot meals per day? At around 9 months I started giving a cold snacky lunch like sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt, etc and then a hot meal at dinner time