I have written a few posts on here lately and have been very bad at following them up. Things are so crazy right now, I can't seem to keep up with them. So, sorry to be starting yet another thread.
I am beside myself ATM. Was going to post on the couch as I really need to vent but I know it is down in honour of Tracy's passing...I just spent almost 3 hours trying to resettle DS3 who is 16mo now. My whole evening is gone and it's just been such a long hard week. It's not helping that dh is being a $&^$ and is not talking to me because I said he was being elusive and seemed distant. Really??? (Sorry, I know it's not the place, but I did say I needed the couch
Anyway, some background. DS has been sick. Started last Wednesday and just yesterday I had him at the doctors - another ear infection and possible strep throat (although I suspect that will come back negative). Anyway, he has been miserable and not eating (completely refusing meals, acts hungry and wants food but pushes it away and says 'no' when I give it too him), and not sleeping well. He is still falling asleep by himself but has been waking in pain. We are also still stuck at a 4:30 am wu, no matter when he goes to sleep. This is getting harder and harder to deal with. Both dh and I work full time. We have 2 other boys and illness is running through the family now.
The other issue is that he's cutting a molar (at least one) and I think that's contributing to things. His finger is in his mouth a lot. So, he is waking during the night. Sometimes once, (last night). The night before was 4 times in the early part of the night. The only way to settle him right now is by nursing him (although I could nurse a few minutes and put him down awake). He refuses dh and gets more upset when he goes in. He is still falling asleep completely independently at nap and bedtime.
Tonight. He was awful in the evening before bed. I think he's OT and would have put him down earlier but DH is insisting on pushing BT to move his wu time. I have put him down as early as 5:20 and he sleeps better and more often sttn, but is still up at 4:30. I managed to get him calm to go to bed and he fell asleep easily by 6, without a peep.
But then he woke at 7:20 and basically wanted to spend the night on the boob. He cried and screamed when I put him down. I would try staying by the crib, rubbing his back as he stood there grabbing at me, leaving the room. Nothing worked. This went on till 10pm.
He would not fall back to sleep. I couldn't leave him to CIO because I know he's not feeling well and his finger was in his mouth so much. In the end I finally told him there was no more nursing and rocked and patted him to sleep in my arms, but still could put him down. In the end I had to lie beside him in his crib, after giving him another dose of meds. I can't remember the last time he has been this bad or up for so long. I have no idea what tomorrow will be like.
Anyway, I guess I need someone to say, no this is not an exploding case of a prop and his tooth/ear, whatever was just too painful for him to sleep, even with meds. I just can't face this as our new reality as the rest of our life is so hectic and busy, we are barely hanging on right now.
Thanks for any words of encouragement or advice.