I have exclusively breastfed my little guy since the beginning. He was steadily gaining weight and growing (he's tall!), and at every monthly dr. appointment our doctor was very impressed.
However, between our 4 and 5 month check up, Lincoln gained only a few ounces. Our doctor didn't seem concerned and neither were we. It was around this time that we started on the 4-hour easy routine (we hadnt done any BW before this time) and I had started noticing that his BF times were lessening. I had read that it was normal around this age for babies to take less time to eat, so I didn't think too much of it.
We just had our 6 month check and he, once again, had barely gained any weight. He grew over an inch! When the doctor showed us Lincoln's progress on the growth chart, we could see that weight line is now slowly dropping instead of climbing. Our doctor said that he isn't "overly concerned" but that he recommends that we take steps to increase his weight and to rule out any problems. He suggested that we start supplementing with formula. Then, at our next checkup, if Lincoln HAS gained weight, we will know it was simply due to the fact that he needed to eat more. But if he hasn't gained weight, then we need to do other tests?
I do not want to use formula...which has always been a personal choice for me. However, my husband thinks we should. It is a bit of a tension point for us. I realize that our LO is almost 7 months and I know formula isn't "evil"..but I really would like to try to see if I can increase my milk supply or supplement with BM before we try formula. My husband is ok with that...and we are giving it one week to see if I can make any changes in my supply (talk about PRESSURE!!!)
Since our last appointment (3 days ago) I have been trying everything I can to get more food into my Little guy. I have pumped (an hour after every BF)...but I only get about 1.5 ounces each time. I have not noticed (since pumping) any increase in my milk supply, which is frustrating! I had some frozen BM accumulated and I have been giving him 1 ounce extra (in a bottle) with 2 of his daytime feedings. Also, we introduced solids to him a couple of weeks ago. He took the best to the rice cereal...so 2 times a day I have been giving him rice cereal mixed with BM. He usually only ends up eating about 1/2 a Tbsp each time though. I'm concerned about giving him too much cereal because it is fortified with iron (couldn't find any without) and I'm worried abour constipation.
Also, I was in the process of cutting out his night feedings using PU/PD (we had almost done it!!!) but I have started giving him a NF again.
I have also been working on MY body. I have doubled my water consumption, I try to eat more regularly and healthier...and (hardest part) I'm attempting to sleep more (which is hard when I have to give him that NF).
I don't know what to do. I feel VERY VERY discouraged. I feel like I am doing everything I can to produce food for my baby and it's not working!! Why did it work in the past? Why am I failing at this now? It's a struggle because I think it's getting worse. My breasts feel full but it takes so long for my let-down to happen...my little man sucks sometimes for 5 hard minutes before he gets a full flow of milk!!! This is very frustrating for him...he cries alot more during BF. Once the miilk comes down he is very content.
My nipples are sooooo sore. And my body is exhausted!!!
I don't want to give up on myself and EBF but I want my son to thrive.
And he is thriving right now....the only thing I do notice is that he seems tired quickly. but other than that he is bright, alert, active, LOUD lol, and interactive.
Can anybody offer me any advice?
I need to know...if I am able to supplement with pumped BM...when should I give him this supplement? Before or after he nurses? with his solids? I don't want him to get confused.
Please help...I don't want to use formula