Author Topic: 10/11 hour nights  (Read 706 times)

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10/11 hour nights
« on: November 26, 2011, 17:03:27 pm »

it seems no matter what i do, Levi is determined to not sleep 12 hours at night. I put him to bed at 7 and he wakes at 5.30/6am. i put him to bed at 6pm and hes up at 5.30am. last night he was in bed at 7.15pm... today he was up at 5am.

He wakes up happy for hte first 5mins, chatting away and then he starts crying...

Im so tired of being the only dam one to be getting up and down all night long. I even had Caleb in my bed with me all night last night. what do I have to do to get a decent nights sleep around here? Im over it, seriously over it! if its not hunger then its because hes wet through his nappy. otherwise theres just no reason at all. what really annoys me is that even if he does wake at 5/6am i dont get to go back to sleep when he does because guess who else gets up....

heres how yesterday went:

6.10am awake, i tried for nearly an hour to get him back to sleep

E 7.20
S 7.50 - 10.15
E 10.20
S11.50 - 12.35 (tried to resettle till 1.15)
E 1.45
S 2.10 - 3.15
E 3.50
S4.45 - 6.15 ( i had to wake him here)
E 6.50 (bedtime bottle)
S 7.15
NF 1.45
EW 5.05 *also fed here to try and get him back to sleep as I think hes in a GS as well

what to do? please help me, im so tired of being up so early

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Re: 10/11 hour nights
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 18:38:21 pm »
yeah well another cr@p night. literally. after a day of almost no naps except the last one that lasted 1.5 hours right before bedtime i put him down at 6pm for the night. DF at 10pm, he stirred at 4.20am but fell back to sleep then woke at 5.15am.. chatting away, i left him for a few minutes and then gave him a feed which he polished off at 5.30am but wouldnt go back to sleep. he chatted for another 45mins before turning into a cry so I got him up and he had filled his pants.

I cried yesterday afternoon so hard that my eyes wouldnt stay open afterwards. I cried at 5.45am and its 7.30am now and im ready to cry again.

I guess no one else knows what to do either. Im ready to smack my head against a brick wall and continue smacking until I cant feel anything anymore.

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Re: 10/11 hour nights
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2011, 19:32:44 pm »
Maybe he's ready for his A times to be pushed to the 2 hours? That second nap yesterday was probably an UT nap, his first nap was nearly 2.5 hours and then he only had 1 hr 35min A time before the next one. His total daytime sleep yesterday was 5 hrs 45 min which seems to be on the higher end looking at the stickies. The average night sleep is 10-12 hours at this age so he's really doing what he's supposed to :-\

I wonder if you can stretch the A time a bit to get 2 equal length naps plus a shorter cat nap you may be able to push bedtime a bit later so his wakeup would be a bit later and then nudge it on to find the best bedtime for a later wake up.
