Hi all,
I have had a blocked duct on my right side, for months, but it's on and off, and between me trying to lift/ scrape it off in the shower, and DD being a super-feeder (most of the time!!) we manage to keep it under control and avoid anything tooo yukky
Last night I went out, left DH to FF and foolishly didn't pump till I got home.... Oooooooh the pain in my poor distorted boob!!
Pumping didn't help, a nf didn't help and this morning my lumpy boob was in agony!!! And of course it's the weekend so I couldn't see a nurse:(
So, I took a very hot shower and TRIED to hand express to relive a little of the pressure...
Then after MUCH fiddling I manage to loosen the milk blisters (did I mention this morning I had TWO!)
Then, I actually fed DD in a different position (lying sideways instead of cradle/breastpillow) and my god it's worked:)) (although I did tell DD she needed to help mummy and have a BIG drink...clever girl, she did just that!!)
Thank god!!
Just thought I would share, in case anyone else suffers!