Before DD2 was 4, I think she woke up happy 10 times... EVER! She is still (at 6) a bear if I have to wake her in the morning
LOL Z isnt that bad I guess...poor you! He is good in the mornings but naps are just another story.
This is the kid that never napped well (if at all some bad days) until he was 6 months old. Catching up maybe!
SO I have tried a few things.
1) Gently waking and staying in his room with cuddles to get him awake without having too much too soon IYKWIM. Doest really make much diff.
2) Same as above but change his nappy in his cot (just wet) then getting him up and out to play. Still a grouch
3) Food....getting him up and into the highchair with lunch in it. SOmetimes good sometimes he treats the high chair like the devil

I guess its just who he is

Could be worse things, I just feel like such a meanie waking him!
Is there a time between 2hrs15 and 2hrs45 where they are typically NOT in deep sleep?