Hi all
been a while since last post......(4 and half month old, been doing this for about 2 months now)
We are still dealing with the nap monster, but there have been overall improvements that I wanted to share! We have finally nailed down a good bedtime routine (bath, feed, book in the rocking chair). We introduced a lovey and as soon as she gets it, her thumb pops into her mouth. We then rock for 3-5 min (dont want to rock her to sleep) and then its into the crib. Sometimes (not very often ) she will go right to sleep. Other times she will chatter (which gets louder and louder) usually for 10 minutes and then we will go to settle her by putting her more onto her side. Sometimes all it takes is 2 min or less of pats or even just the hand on her back for a few minutes.
I wanted to share a good story like this - it keeps me going and I hope will encourage others..........Like i said, we still get bitten almost every nap by the monster. Sometimes i can pat her back to sleep at the 37 minute mark and other times - not at all. I have come to realize you do the best that you can and then move on.......
I still worry we intervene too much to get her to sleep, but am really trying to let her do her own thing. If she can self settle it seems she can do it in the first 10 minutes. If its longer than that - usually seems to be a sign she needs a little help.
thoughts or comments?