Hopefully this is in the right place, but my ebf 3.5 month old seems to be going backwards! In the early months after the dream feed she would sleep 6 hours (and only eat 1x at night), but now it's about 3 hours and she wakes up and wants to eat (and then again about 3-4hrs later so 2x at night). I've tried giving her her plug, but she'll suck for a few minutes & start to cry.
Here is her EASY on a good day (plus or minus 30 minutes each way)
E 8am
S 930am-1130am (if I can extend her!)
E 1130am
S 115pm-4pm (I wake her if she's had a short morning nap & is still sleeping around 4pm)
E - 2pm (often wakes during her nap & I feed her lying down, then she falls back asleep)
E 4pm
S 515pm-6pm
And then dream feed around 1030pm, wakes around 130am, 530 for feeds.
This 130am waking has been happening for about 2 maybe 3 weeks now, is this just a growth spurt, or do I need to squeeze in another feed during the day. I'm in the middle of working on lengthening her naps thinking maybe her naps needed to be better so nighttime sleep was better.