Well... last night was interesting to say the least. I fed DS at 5:30, then did bath, massage, and pjs as usual.
I did the DFs at 8 and 10 and he woke up at 1:30am, as usual. Then he didn't go back to sleep. Well, that's not entirely correct. I tried doing pat/shh in the crib at first which was ineffective, so I picked him up and did pat/shh on my shoulder and he fell asleep. Every time I tried to put him in the crib to continue pat/shh there, he woke up and freaked out. We did that over and over with a little help from DH and then it was 5am. So we got up for the day. I fed him at 6am and tried desperately to keep him awake, which kind of worked, and then put him in his crib almost all the way asleep... and now an hour later he's still sleeping.
To make a long story short, he doesn't need any feeding at night. I think I'll pop on over to the EASY board since now that we've solved the NF problems, I have to figure out what to do with the rest of our day!
Thank you so much for your help, Shiv!