Hi, we've had a rocky couple of months with my daughter but it has now gone from bad to worse ... She has always been an independent sleeper but lately started to refuse being put in her cot and would scream and cling to me, I wondered if SA ..
She was then admitted to hospital with meningitis and had a traumatic time with lots of tests and round the clock medicine and attention and spent lots of time sleeping in hospital bed with me(she's never ever slept in our bed before). She is fully recovered now but is beyond clingy, I can't even put her on the floor to play she clings to my leg and screams and screams - she's always been so independent we've never seen her like this. This also means nap times and bed time is a nightmare and I'm guilty of AP here - she has milk and cuddles to go to sleep(but even this doesnt work now) when she was poorly she didn't eat solids at all and is now obsessed with drinking milk (cows milk) I'm worried she is replacing solids with milk now as she is back on 4 sometimes 5 bottles a day - it was her birthday last week and I feel she has gone back to a 6 month old feeding schedule!
She is waking up in the evening at around 11pm not wanting milk she is wide awake and it takes until 1/1.30 to get her back to sleep - again clinging to me and hysterical when put in cot. I don't think she's waking because of illness she seems fine(although I give teething meds each time in case) she is wide awake and fidgety and babbling but the second I put her down she screams and screams. She then wakes again anytime between 3.30 and 5.30am and it takes another hour or more to get her back to sleep - I am totally exhausted :-( I feel so sad as I feel like we've lost our happy, easy going baby she is now whiney, fussy, beyond clingy when she's awake in the day, she seems frustrated she has started throwing herself backwards to the floor(tantrums at 1 year old??) and screams a lot - she throws her food on the floor she refuses to go in her high chair ... The list goes on!! She learnt to walk a month ago and is babbling lots now so not sure if developmental things are going on too? Sorry for long post I just feel so helpless and need some advice on routine as ours has gone out the window, I'm sure she's massively OT? Is it time to do PU/PD now? I've not done it yet as wanted to wait until I was sure she's not poorly(so hard to tell!)