My Baby girl is soon 15 month old.
She use to sleep through the night since she was 1 month old! Then around 8 month she had to spend a night in hospital (she had fever convulsion) since then her sleep has been rocky..
She is a small sleeper in general ( going to bed around 7:30 waking at 6:00 or sometimes 5:30 and taking 1 hour nap a day, sometimes 1:30)
She had been teething badly so we were in to no routine at all (whatever works) she would be awake from 2 to 4 am...
Now her sleep looks like a disaster, there is no consistency... she wakes up 1 or 2 times during night, and sometime end her night at 5:30...
When she wakes up the first time (sometimes at 2 or 3) She goes back to sleep quickly, we go in the room tap her back put the blanket and she goes back to sleep.
The second time she wakes up (around 4, or 5) she doesn't go back to sleep easily, we have to tap her back until she does! then she goes back to sleep and wakes 30 or 45 minutes after... until wake up time 6:30
And now on top of all she manage to climb OUT her bed alone!!!!
She has got so much strenghth in her arm.
So her father is willing to do whatever so she won't cry... and I believe in teaching her to go back to sleep, though I don't realy know how anymore...
It is realy putting great tension in our couple... so help is realy needed.