Hi there,
My little girl was EBF right up to about 7 months when she just started to refuse to take it but would happily have a bottle of formula!! Now she is fully bottle fed on formula as I'm on antibiotics which I'm not allowed to BF with anyway.
Since we've moved onto bottles, I am starting to worry about how much she is taking! She doesn't seem interested in milk first thing in the morning at all - this morning she took 50ml - including what went in her cereal! Also, she is still having a dream feed - about 150-210ml at each one, should I be starting to phase this out now?
Our EASY routine is
7 wake
7.30 small amount of bottle
8 breakfast (made up with formula)
8.30 try a bit more bottle
9.15 Nap
10.30 Awake
11 bottle - 100-150ml
12 lunch
1.30 Nap
3 Bottle 100-150ml
5 teatime
6 bath and wind down
7 Bottle 100 -150ml and bed
9-10.30 Dreamfeed 150-210ml
Won't usually need feeding again until breakfast, but will usually wake for a while at 3 and/or 5!!