I am trying to get them to sleep more and I have a fairly tight schedule. Currently DD and DS go to sleep at 8.30-9 and wake up at 6.30-7. They both get 1.5 hour nap at nursery. My problem is that I can only get them home from nursery at 6.30 and I have to wake them up at least at 6.30 am to get them back to nursery. So there is not much of a window for wind down. For eczema reasons I cannot skip the 20 minutes bath in the evening with creams before and after it and there are some other medications to take as well. So then by the time we brush teeth, go potty and sit down to a story it is almost 8. Then it is always a protracted series of nursing DS, DD wanting a cuddle, than as I leave them she needs another wee and so on till 8.30, sometimes 9. Is there a way to make it all half an hour earlier? We are trying it together with DH at the moment but after the break he will be back at work and I will be at my work, so bedtimes would be mainly my lot. In the past things worked because i was on maternity leave and also I did not need to bathe the kids every day. So DD could play after nursery with me and DS. Now it is all rushing here and there and having tantrums resisting the constant hurrying up. Any advice?