Hi, my lo is almost 6 months. The dream feed has worked great for me. Lately though she has been coming awake as soon as I step in the door. I df her at 10 every night, I just can't stay up any later, too tired. Some nights she's even awake before I go in. I've started her on solids once in the morning and once at night, maybe an ounce each. This morning she only drank 3oz, she normally eats around 5oz, 6 if she's really hungry. Should I try dropping the df? She eats 5oz at the df and goes right back to sleep. She wakes a few times a night but just for me to put her sucky back in. If I do drop it, I've read that your supposed to do it a half hour early. Would 9:30 be too early as I feed her at 10. She goes to bed at 6:45 sometimes 7. We are transitioning from 3 naps to 2 so she's lucky if she makes it to 7. Thanks!