Hi Jane,
My day was a bit messed up today as he had his jabs, but below is what I posted for previous day, and last night is above,
Numerous wakings during the night, woke every hour from 10pm, fed at 3.30am, back to sleep 4.30am, awake 5.30am, tried to resettle ended up getting up for day at 6.45am
S-8.45, only did 35 mis could not resettle so put in the sling to get off at around 945am, after 10mins put in cot (awake but very sleepy) did another 35mins woke 10.30am
S-12.30 until 2.30 in pram as I was meeting friends, I actually woke him as did not want him to sleep more than 2 hours
S-4.30, woke after 15mins but may have been caused by hubby getting in from work, took until 5.20 to resettle but slept for further 35 mins
E-6pm. Cluster feed
A-bath, massage
E-6.50 light feed
S-7.15pm bed, would not settle tonight until 7.40pm
I check for teeth constantly, last time yesterday and nothing. He does dribble quite a bit now and again and although he wants to put everything in his mouth he never seems to do it to help with teeth, so just think that's a developmental stage.
The night wakings are picking up again now as well, I just feel things are getting worse rather than better!
Happy to try any suggestions!
He does use the paci to put him to sleep/naps but we take it out 2 mins after his eyes close and he settles, could this be a prop? Should we try and wean him from it? Also we stay with him for 7-10 mins to get him through jolts by gently holding or hovering over his arms, and leave when we know he has drifted in to a deep enough sleep- have we become a prop?
Also unless I am out in the pram I seem to have noticed naps are getting shorter, the morning one is around 25 mins/30 max and now he can't do much more than that in the afternoon either!
I feel like I am missing something really obvious! Since we started BW full on since the new year things have just got worse not better and now I don't know which way to go!
My husband does most of it at weekends' he goes to work at 6.30 during the week so does help with the early waking, however i normally have to take over at 6 am so he can get ready, and because he gets up early and does a manual job I do pretty much everything else- I have definitely hit a 4 month wall with tiredness, and our poor little man is so tired all the time!
I am really The stage to try any suggestions but frightened to make any major changes without some advice in case it makes it even worse!
Thank you!