mods feel free to move if necessary.
DD seemed to be getting the hang of easy and Sttn until about 2 weeks ago
around Xmas time we weaned her onto solids and got onto 3 meals quite quickly. she eats around 100g 3 times a day of veg fruit or cereal. there have been no issues with digesting as far as I know
she has had nutramigen bottles since October. we stopped bf due to low weight gain
in December she took a massive leap in formula intake and combined with solids took 4 x 6 oz bottles a day and Sttn for 2 weeks! this last month she is refusing any daytime bottles, maybe taking only 3 oz through the day. we moved to offering only 3 bottles and even then managed to get only about 5 oz at time
I am now offering 7 oz 3 times a day with Max intake from bottles about 16 oz. I am sneaking in about 4 extra into her solids
weight gain is good now, gained 1 lb in 1 month, but NW are back with a vengeance. tried offering milk in the night last night but she was not interested
any ideas what I should do?