Also keep in mind when you are cooking with salted pasta water, you are not drinking the water.
You are pouring that water down the drain, and the amount of salt that is absorbed into the pasta for consumption is SO minimal. 2 grams of salt a day is actually a LOT -- it is an entire TEASPOON. If you are eating a lot of processed foods, premade sauces, packages, ready meals and the like, then yes it would be a very wise idea to keep close eye on salt. But for a family that is feeding their LO home-made food, fresh and prepared in the house, then they are not getting very much salt/sodium in their diets. Sodium is a needed part of your diet and a lot of foods that have a bad rep for being salty are not as salty as you think -- ie/ cheese...cheddar cheese "typically" contains about 620mg of sodium per 100g. Which works out to be 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Now, **I** could easily eat 100g of cheddar cheese in a day (in a single meal even
) but a chunk for a toddler is closer to 3-5g ... so resulting in like 0.007% of their salt intake for the day. I think that a toddler who ate their daily salt-intake in cheese would have bigger problems to worry about
Providing you are eating and preparing foods with a reasonable diet in mind, your LOs can eat all that you do! My DS as a baby was never allowed to have my buttered salted popcorn, but a home cooked meal where I shook a bit of salt into the sauce, no problems
Health guidelines in the UK suggest this approach.