Hi, I am looking for some help with some naps issues with my son who is 10 mo.
We had a great routine up until about 2 weeks ago:
WU 5:45/6 am
A 3h 15-30 min
S 9.15 -10 am (45 min)
A 3h 15 min
S 1.15 pm - 2.45/3pm (1hr 30/40m, occasionally 2 hr)
A 3h 30-45 min
BT 6.15/6.30
Gradually it's been going downhill from there. He has started waking from his afternoon nap after only 1h 10-15 min, or sometimes only 30 or 40 mins, crying. Clearly not rested enough to make it to bedtime. I find this strange, as a 1.15 h nap used to mean UT. Also, he has started waking earlier, between 5 and 5.30.
WU 5.50
A 3 h 20 min
S 9.10 - 9.50 (40 min), woke up with a cry
A 3 h 40 min
S 1.30- 2.45 pm(1h 15 min) He was at my mums and she put him down a bit later than usual, woke up crying
A 3 h 30 min
BT 6.15
Today so far:
WU 5.10, I said the sleep key phrase from my bed and I think he went back to sleep for a bit until 5.30. Got him up at 5.45.
A About 3h 40 min
S 9:10-10:10 am He was sleeping in the pram, woke up after 40 min but went back to sleep. I thought he was OT so let him sleep a bit longer than usual, but woke him after 1 hour to protect the afternoon nap. Or so I thought...
A 3h 20m
S 1.30-2.10 pm (40 min). Woke up happy. Tried to make him go back to sleep, but he wouldnt. Got him up at 3 pm after he had been crying, fussing, playing in the cot for 50 min. I tried PU/PD, he just didn't seem tired but I'm pretty sure he needs more day sleep than this.
So now I guess we will have a cranky baby this afternoon. I am aiming for a really early BT.
I'm wondering what's going on. It's like he has lost some ability to make it to the next sleep cycle. It's strange though, because he always falls sleep independently, and sleeps through the night without waking (so far). Or should I change his EASY somehow? Change his A times?? Is it the 2-1 transition? I have read this
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=145285.0 but not sure if it applies right now?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.