I hope this makes sense... I've checked here and on couple of other sites for an answer but haven't come up with anything, so hoping you fabulous ladies might be able to share some knowledge.
So my DS turned 16wks this wk. For almost a month, he's been going down to bed between 7-8 in the evening. I was continuing doing the DF for first few weeks and then decided to see how long he'd go if I didn't wake him for it. He's been doing great and has adjusted very well. In the last couple of nights he has gone until 1:30 and then last night he actually slept all the way through to 4:30 before waking!!! Woo-hoo!!!
So here's my question/dilemma. I'm feeling uncomfortably full when he's stretching out the time between nighttime feeds. What do I do for this? I don't want to end up with plugged ducts (just had it once) or with mastitis (thankfully and luckily have avoided this so far, so would hate to fall prey to it now).
Should I be pumping to relieve fullness? - surely this negates the benefit of him sleeping for longer?
Also, we had wanted to TTC straight away for #2, but I was so pleased with how well BF was going that we decided to kinda leave it in the laps of the Gods to see if it happened for us while BF. From my research (and answers from you guys), I know I've a better chance of getting pregnant if going a longer stretch between feeds. This makes me quite excited that DS is going longer at nighttime as I feel it might happen for us!! (AF not back yet)
So, what should I do re the uncomfortable fullness? ....nothing? And it'll settle down??
Thanks in advance!! ...love this site for all the knowledge I pick up here !