Thank you Becky so much, I really appreciate your reply and input.
Today went slightly differently in that she had one nap from 11.30-1.30 and then went down at 6.30. Sometimes she can handle just one and other times needs two.
She had her routine, ie bath bottle and where I usually cradle her and rock her to sleep I fed her her bottle and put her in her cot. She went totally hyperactive and thought she was playing and I kept telling her calmly that it was bed time. I had lights out etc etc, was talking calmly etc etc but I left her in her cot (she was very active and mobile) and instinctively left her to tire herself out (not sure if this is right or not) whilst I pottered in the next bedroom.
When she started getting tetchy I went in and reinforced sleep and kept settling her back in the sleep position and she was still fidgeting a lot. I left the room a few times and she didn't cry but was getting sleepy. She only cried twice but these were tired cries and I went straight in and soothed her. Unfortunately she thought it was all a game and kept getting excited when she saw me so I sat next to her, avoided eye contact and spook calmly "mummy's here" and rubbed her back. I find that my presence stimulates her in a way as she has an audience and squeels with laughter, disrupts her cot and constantly interacts with me (very cute!)
After an hour and a half of this she was becoming more and more sleepy, I was actually out of the room (as she wasn't protesting or crying) and she settled herself, I checked her 5 minutes later and she was fast asleep

Was that all correct? Am I going down the right lines? At no time was she distressed ie calling for me and me not attending to her and I felt that my presence was somehow overstimulating her because she wanted to play with mummy hence why I left the room a few times. I am surprised it was relatively easy as I thought she would be more distressed not being comforted and held by us if that makes sense.
I do give her calpol sometimes a few nights running as I agree they must hurt so much and I would hate her to be in pain with them and also give it to her during the night if she wakes frequently.
Thanks for the link I am going to check it out now, I am also aware that she is spirited as far as sleep goes (I think) she can be very easily overstimulated and fights it constantly, I see you also have 2 partially spirited children I am going to have a look around the forum now to see if I can get some advice about settling her and calming her.
Thanks again Becky, very very much. xx